George Mallory In 1921

British explorer George Mallory vanished on June 8, 1924, during his attempt to reach the summit of Mount Everest alongside his climbing partner Andrew Irvine.

A century later, Cambridge University has published a collection of Mallory’s letters, spanning from 1914 to 1924, shedding light on his life, personality, and his final moments on the mountain.

Last Photo Of George Mallory

Mallory’s letters, including those penned during his courtship with his wife and his service in World War I, offer a poignant insight into his experiences and struggles.

Despite his infamous quote about climbing Everest “because it’s there,” Mallory’s letters reveal the arduous challenges he faced during his expeditions in 1921, 1922, and 1924.

In the weeks leading to his disappearance, Mallory corresponded with his wife Ruth, expressing the difficulties of the climb and the slim chances of success, yet maintaining a determined spirit.

George Mallory Letters

Tragically, Mallory and Irvine were last seen alive just 900 feet from the summit. Mallory’s body was discovered 75 years later, but Irvine’s remains were never found.

The letters from Mallory’s final days on Everest are just a part of the broader collection at Cambridge University, totaling 840 letters from the years 1914 to 1924, with over 400 from his wife Ruth, providing valuable insights into women’s social history during the First World War.

Ruth Mallory

Hundreds of letters in the Cambridge University collection are from George Mallory’s wife, Ruth.

Mallory’s correspondence also touches upon his wartime experiences, the tragedies on Everest, and his adventures during Prohibition-era America.

Jane Hughes, the Pepys Librarian, described Mallory as an inspirational figure whose life resonates deeply with the challenges and aspirations of his generation.